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Sony PlayStation 3 Gains VOIP Service through Jajah
With Microsoft already leading the way with its Xbox Live service and the new update looking to expand the scope of its already impressive communications tools, the PS3’s somewhat clunkier efforts are rapidly being left behind. However, the fact that the PS3 offers an integrated web browser, unlike the 360, might just be able to provide an edge over the rival service. Jajah, a purveyor of Voice over IP technology not entirely dissimilar to Skype, has made an update to its website that streamlines it for use on the PS3.
The way that Jajah works is by letting you fill in your details with your home phone number, then when you want to call someone you enter their number into your browser and Jajah will dial your phone and connect you directly. Handily, this stops you needing to faff around with headsets as it uses your existing phone handset (mobiles work too). The service is free between Jajah users as well, up to a point.
Admittedly it is not an ideal VoIP solution for the PS3 – you won’t be able to take advantage of the PS3’s Bluetooth capabilities and you’ll really only be using the PS3 browser as a launch platform (keyboards are recommended too). It can also take quite a few seconds to connect. However, the site has been made a lot easier for PS3 users to navigate with a very functional, minimalist design that even suits SD TVs.
This is certainly a technology that could really pick up if Jajah decides to capitalise on the PS3’s hardware a bit further – and the $15m investment from Intel might just make that possible someday. Source: [Games Digest]
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